Thursday, July 16, 2009

Greenman for 12x12 show in P-Town

Just finished this 12x12 inch painting for the annual 12x12 show at
the Provincetown Art Museum. Should be fun!

Friday, July 10, 2009

New "Mildred" cover

I'm working on a new "Mildred" book dummy to send out to publishers this
Fall. Upon finishing my collage class this summer, I've decided to work with
cut paper, something I've always wanted to do but feared all the comparisons
to Eric Carle,Leo Lionni etc. But, I've decided to forge ahead and am happy I did.
I feel I get the spontaneity of paint and precision and boldness from collage,
something I feel is necessary for me to make successful illustrations.
I guess we'll find out when I send them out in September.

Friday, July 3, 2009

"Power & Glory" collage series

This a series of collages I just completed during a workshop at the Provincetown Art Museum.
It was taught by a very lovely collage artist named Mary Walker. We worked from poetry and, in my case, lyrics from a Lou Reed song. These four pieces are based on a song titled "Power & the Glory". As I have been very inspired by my recent experiences, I am planning on spending the bulk of the weekend cleaning out th garage and moving my studio in there for the summer. My goal is to work 10-2 every day that I'm home this summer and add to this series. Let's see how it goes...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Juan #5

Another painting from the series I'm doing for the Providence Art Window.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Paintings

Here are four of the paintings for my Providence Art Window,
which will be on display in June. They are quite a departure
from my original idea, if you've been following my blog. What
I had planned to do changed upon visiting my window site.
All for the best! I haven't been this excited about making art
in years. There are plans for more paintings in the near future.
I'll keep you all posted for the opening in June.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

PAW in progress

These are pieces for my Providence Art Window that will be on display in June.
So far, everything is going pretty well. I wish I had time to develop more interesting
techniques in 3-D, but I'm going with what I'm comfortable with for now. There is
one more piece to work on, so I feel as though I'm in good shape.
Today, I started painting. I painted the backs, which made the pieces curl a bit,
which I expected. So, I began to immediately start painting the fronts as well
and that seems to have solved that problem. each piece will have some kind of
other materials; the blue dog will have fuzzy material for spots, the ram will
have felt for hair and beard, etc.
I'll post some new shots after I make more progress.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Providence Art Window Sketches

These are sketches for pieces I'm in the process of making for an
upcoming Providence Art Window. They will be free-standing and
constructed from foamcore and other materials like felt and fabric.
They represent characters that I'm developing but haven't really
put into any context such as a children's picture book. The
window will be revealed some time in June. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

8X8 Paintings

New little paintings. A few fun characters and
trying new things. I'm going to attempt to sell
them in a kid's clothing store.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Just Us" a new comic

I've wanted to create my own comic for a long time, but I
just haven't been able to get it started. Inspiration struck this
week and I decided to create a comic about my own life.
Wow! How original! Well,...many artists use their own life for
inspiration, so why not me ?
I'm fairly happy with the result and have a half dozen other
ideas for strips, so there will be more to come. Let me know
what you think, I need feedback.